Two Complementary Presentations
According to the Nyingma tradition, the teachings of the Buddha can be presented as nine gradual vehicles or yanas. The clear and concise presentation of the nine gradual vehicles by Kyabje Zenkar Rinpoche is complemented by Pema Lungtok Gyatso Rinpoche’s in-depth review of each vehicle. While both explain the nine vehicles through their entry point, view, meditation, conduct and result, the latter details them further, puts them into perspective and offers pith instructions on how to approach their practice. This publication is therefore an essential companion for buddhists practitioners.
For the sake of realising the true meaning of these teachings, a prayer to Mañjushrī composed by Kyabje Zenkar Rinpoche and entitled Light from the Wisdom Sun: a Sādhanā of Noble Mañjushrī, Supreme Deity of Deities precedes these two compositions.
In addition, Kyabje Zenkar Rinpoche’s biography composed by the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche Tenzin Lungtok Nyima has been translated to introduce and pay homage to this exceptional, accomplished yogi of our times.
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